Source code for kanon.units.radices

In this module we define RadixBase and BasedReal.
RadixBase is the basis of the way we work with different radices.
BasedReal are a class of Real numbers with a 1-1 relation with a RadixBase.

.. testsetup::

    >>> import builtins
    >>> builtins.Sexagesimal = radix_registry["Sexagesimal"]
    >>> builtins.Historical = radix_registry["Historical"]

>>> from kanon.units import RadixBase, radix_registry
>>> example_base = RadixBase([20, 5, 18], [24, 60], "example_base", [" ","u ","sep "])
>>> number = radix_registry["ExampleBase"]((8, 12, 3, 1), (23, 31))
>>> number
08 12u 3sep 01 ; 23,31
>>> float(number)


import math
from decimal import Decimal
from fractions import Fraction
from functools import cached_property, lru_cache
from numbers import Number
from numbers import Real as _Real
from typing import (

import numpy as np
from astropy.units.core import Unit, UnitBase, UnitTypeError
from astropy.units.quantity import Quantity
from astropy.units.quantity_helper.converters import UFUNC_HELPERS
from astropy.units.quantity_helper.helpers import _d

from kanon.utils.list_to_tuple import list_to_tuple
from kanon.utils.looping_list import LoopingList

from .precision import PreciseNumber, PrecisionMode, TruncatureMode, set_precision

__all__ = ["RadixBase", "BasedReal", "radix_registry"]

radix_registry: Dict[str, Type["BasedReal"]] = {}
"""Registry containing all instanciated BasedReal classes."""

[docs]class RadixBase: """ A class representing a numeral system. A radix must be specified at each position, by specifying an integer list for the integer positions, and an integer list for the fractional positions. """ def __init__( self, left: Sequence[int], right: Sequence[int], name: str, integer_separators: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ): """ Definition of a numeral system. A radix must be specified for each integer position (left argument) and for each fractional position (right argument). Note that the integer position are counted from right to left (starting from the ';' symbol and going to the left). :param left: Radix list for the integer part :param right: Radix list for the fractional part :param name: Name of this numeral system :param integer_separators: List of string separators, used for displaying the integer part of the number """ assert left and right assert all(isinstance(x, int) for x in left) assert all(isinstance(x, int) for x in right) self.left: LoopingList[int] = LoopingList(left) self.right: LoopingList[int] = LoopingList(right) = name if integer_separators is not None: if len(integer_separators) != len(left): raise ValueError self.integer_separators = LoopingList[str](integer_separators) else: self.integer_separators = LoopingList[str]( ["," if x != 10 else "" for x in left] ) self.mixed = any(x != left[0] for x in tuple(left) + tuple(right)) # Build a class inheriting from BasedReal, that will use this RadixBase as # its numeral system. type_name = "".join(map(str.capitalize,"_"))) if type_name in radix_registry: raise ValueError(f"Name {type_name} already exists in registry") new_type = type(type_name, (BasedReal,), {"base": self}) radix_registry[type_name] = new_type # Store the newly created BasedReal class self.type: Type[BasedReal] = new_type @overload def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> int: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, key: slice) -> LoopingList[int]: ... def __getitem__(self, key): """ Return the radix at the specified position. Position 0 represents the last integer position before the fractional part (i.e. the position just before the ';' in sexagesimal notation, or just before the '.' in decimal notation). Positive positions represent the fractional positions, negative positions represent the integer positions. :param key: Position. <= 0 for integer part (with 0 being the right-most integer position), > 0 for fractional part :return: Radix at the specified position """ if isinstance(key, slice): if not key.start or not key.stop: raise ValueError("RadixBase slices must have a start and a stop value") array = [self[i] for i in range(key.start, key.stop)] return LoopingList[str](array[:: key.step]) if key <= 0: return self.left[key - 1] else: return self.right[key - 1]
[docs] @lru_cache def factor_at_pos(self, pos: int) -> int: """ Returns an int factor corresponding to a digit at position pos. This factor is an integer, when dealing with fractional position you should invert the result to find relevant factor. >>> Sexagesimal.base.factor_at_pos(-2) 3600 >>> Sexagesimal.base.factor_at_pos(0) 1 :param pos: Position of the digit :type pos: int :return: Factor at pos :rtype: int """ factor = 1 for i in range(abs(pos)): factor *= self[i if pos > 0 else -i] return factor
def ndigit_for_radix(radix: int) -> int: """ Compute how many digits are needed to represent a position of the specified radix. >>> ndigit_for_radix(10) 1 >>> ndigit_for_radix(60) 2 :param radix: :return: """ return int(np.ceil(np.log10(radix)))
[docs]class BasedReal(PreciseNumber, _Real): """ Abstract class allowing to represent a value in a specific `RadixBase`. Each time a new `RadixBase` object is recorded, a new class inheriting from BasedReal is created and recorded in `radix_registry`. The `RadixBase` to be used will be placed in the class attribute `base` Class attributes: - base : A `RadixBase` object (will be attributed dynamically to the children inheriting this class) """ base: RadixBase """`RadixBase` of this BasedReal""" __left: Tuple[int, ...] __right: Tuple[int, ...] __remainder: Decimal __sign: Literal[-1, 1] __slots__ = ("base", "__left", "__right", "__remainder", "__sign") def __check_range(self): """ Checks that the given values are in the range of the base and are integers. """ if self.sign not in (-1, 1): raise ValueError("Sign should be -1 or 1") if not (isinstance(self.remainder, Decimal) and 0 <= self.remainder < 1): if self.remainder == 1: # pragma: no cover self += ( * self.sign) >> self.significant else: raise ValueError( f"Illegal remainder value ({self.remainder}), should be a Decimal between [0.,1.[" ) # if self.base.factor_at_pos(len(self.left) - 1) > 1e+15 and self.remainder: # warnings.warn(""" # Integer part of this number exceeds floating point precision. # Calculations made with this number as a float might return incorrect results. # """) for x in self[:]: if isinstance(x, float): raise IllegalFloatError(x) if not isinstance(x, int): raise TypeError(f"{x} not an int") for i, s in enumerate(self[:]): if s < 0.0 or s >= self.base[i - len(self.left) + 1]: raise IllegalBaseValueError( self.base, self.base[i - len(self.left) + 1], s ) def __simplify_integer_part(self) -> int: """ Remove the useless trailing zeros in the integer part and return how many were removed """ count = 0 for i in self.left[:-1]: if i != 0: break count += 1 if count > 0: self.__left = self.left[count:] return count != 0 @list_to_tuple def __new__(cls, *args, remainder=Decimal(0.0), sign=1) -> "BasedReal": """Constructs a number with a given radix. Arguments: - `str` >>> Sexagesimal("-2,31;12,30") -02,31 ; 12,30 - 2 `Sequence[int]` representing integral part and fractional part >>> Sexagesimal((2,31), (12,30), sign=-1) -02,31 ; 12,30 >>> Sexagesimal([2,31], [12,30]) 02,31 ; 12,30 - a `BasedReal` with a significant number of digits, >>> Sexagesimal(Sexagesimal("-2,31;12,30"), 1) -02,31 ; 12 |r0.5 - multiple `int` representing an integral number in current `base` >>> Sexagesimal(21, 1, 3) 21,01,03 ; :param remainder: When a computation requires more precision than the precision \ of this number, we store a :class:`~decimal.Decimal` remainder to keep track of it, defaults to 0.0 :type remainder: ~decimal.Decimal, optional :param sign: The sign of this number, defaults to 1 :type sign: int, optional :raises ValueError: Unexpected or illegal arguments :rtype: BasedReal """ if cls is BasedReal: raise TypeError("Can't instanciate abstract class BasedReal") self: BasedReal = super().__new__(cls) self.__left = () self.__right = () self.__remainder = remainder self.__sign = sign if np.all([isinstance(x, int) for x in args]): return cls.__new__(cls, args, (), remainder=remainder, sign=sign) if len(args) == 2: if isinstance(args[0], BasedReal): if isinstance(args[0], cls): return args[0].resize(args[1]) return cls.from_decimal(args[0].decimal, args[1]) if isinstance(args[0], tuple) and isinstance(args[1], tuple): self.__left = args[0] self.__right = args[1] else: raise ValueError("Incorrect parameters at BasedReal creation") elif len(args) == 1: if isinstance(args[0], str): return cls._from_string(args[0]) raise ValueError( "Please specify a number of significant positions" if isinstance(args[0], BasedReal) else "Incorrect parameters at BasedReal creation" ) else: raise ValueError("Incorrect number of parameter at BasedReal creation") self.__check_range() if self.__simplify_integer_part() or not self.left: return cls.__new__( cls, self.left or (0,), self.right, remainder=self.remainder, sign=self.sign, ) return self @property def left(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """ Tuple of values at integer positions >>> Sexagesimal(1,2,3).left (1, 2, 3) :rtype: Tuple[int, ...] """ return self.__left @property def right(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """ Tuple of values at fractional positions >>> Sexagesimal((1,2,3), (4,5)).right (4, 5) :rtype: Tuple[int, ...] """ return self.__right @property def remainder(self) -> Decimal: """ When a computation requires more significant figures than the precision of this number, we store a :class:`~decimal.Decimal` remainder to keep track of it >>> Sexagesimal(1,2,3, remainder=Decimal("0.2")).remainder Decimal('0.2') :return: Remainder of this `BasedReal` :rtype: ~decimal.Decimal """ return self.__remainder @property def sign(self) -> Literal[-1, 1]: """ Sign of this `BasedReal` >>> Sexagesimal(1,2,3, sign=-1).sign -1 :rtype: Literal[-1, 1] """ return self.__sign @property def significant(self) -> int: """ Precision of this `BasedReal` (equals to length of fractional part) >>> Sexagesimal((1,2,3), (4,5)).significant 2 :rtype: int """ return len(self.right) @cached_property def decimal(self) -> Decimal: """ This `BasedReal` converted as a `~decimal.Decimal` >>> Sexagesimal((1,2,3), (15,36)).decimal Decimal('3723.26') :rtype: Decimal """ value = Decimal(abs(int(self))) factor = Decimal(1) for i in range(self.significant): factor *= self.base.right[i] value += self.right[i] / factor value += self.remainder / factor return value * self.sign
[docs] def to_fraction(self) -> Fraction: """ :return: this `BasedReal` as a :class:`~fractions.Fraction` object. """ return Fraction(self.decimal)
[docs] @classmethod def from_fraction( cls, fraction: Fraction, significant: Optional[int] = None, ) -> "BasedReal": """ :param fraction: a `~fractions.Fraction` object :param significant: significant precision desired :return: a `BasedReal` object computed from a Fraction """ if not isinstance(fraction, Fraction): raise TypeError(f"Argument {fraction} is not a Fraction") num, den = fraction.as_integer_ratio() res: BasedReal = cls.from_decimal( Decimal(num) / Decimal(den), significant or 100 ) return res if significant else res.minimize_precision()
def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Convert to string representation. Note that this representation is rounded (with respect to the remainder attribute) not truncated :return: String representation of this number """ res = "" if self.sign < 0: res += "-" for i in range(len(self.left)): if i > 0: res += self.base.integer_separators[i - len(self.left)] num = str(self.left[i]) digit = ndigit_for_radix(self.base.left[i - len(self.left)]) res += "0" * (digit - len(num)) + num res += " ; " for i in range(len(self.right)): num = str(self.right[i]) digit = ndigit_for_radix(self.base.right[i]) res += "0" * (digit - len(num)) + num if i < len(self.right) - 1: res += "," if self.remainder: res += f" |r{self.remainder:3.1f}" return res __str__ = __repr__ @classmethod def _from_string(cls, string: str) -> "BasedReal": """ Parses and instantiate a `BasedReal` object from a string >>> Sexagesimal('1, 12; 4, 25') 01,12 ; 04,25 >>> Historical('2r 7s 29; 45, 2') 2r 07s 29 ; 45,02 >>> Sexagesimal('0 ; 4, 45') 00 ; 04,45 :param string: `str` representation of the number :return: a new instance of `BasedReal` """ if not isinstance(string, str): raise TypeError(f"Argument {string} is not a str") string = string.strip().lower() if len(string) == 0: raise EmptyStringException("String is empty") if string[0] == "-": sign = -1 string = string[1:] else: sign = 1 left_right = string.split(";") if len(left_right) < 2: left = left_right[0] right = "" elif len(left_right) == 2: left, right = left_right else: raise TooManySeparators("Too many separators in string") left = left.strip() right = right.strip() left_numbers: List[int] = [] right_numbers: List[int] = [] if len(right) > 0: right_numbers = [int(i) for i in right.split(",")] if len(left) > 0: rleft = left[::-1] for i in range(len(left)): separator = cls.base.integer_separators[-i - 1].strip().lower() if separator != "": split = rleft.split(separator, 1) if len(split) == 1: rem = split[0] break value, rem = split else: # pragma: no cover value = rleft[0] rem = rleft[1:] left_numbers.insert(0, int(value[::-1])) rleft = rem.strip() if len(rleft) == 1: break left_numbers.insert(0, int(rleft[::-1])) return cls(left_numbers, right_numbers, sign=sign)
[docs] def resize(self, significant: int) -> "BasedReal": """ Resizes and returns a new `BasedReal` object to the specified precision >>> n = Sexagesimal('02, 02; 07, 23, 55, 11, 51, 21, 36') >>> n 02,02 ; 07,23,55,11,51,21,36 >>> n.remainder Decimal('0') >>> n1 = n.resize(4) >>> n1.right (7, 23, 55, 11) >>> n1.remainder Decimal('0.8560000000000000000000000000') >>> n1.resize(7) 02,02 ; 07,23,55,11,51,21,36 :param significant: Number of desired significant positions :return: Resized `BasedReal` """ if significant == self.significant: return self if significant > self.significant: rem = type(self).from_decimal( self.sign * self.remainder, significant - self.significant ) return type(self)( self.left, self.right + rem.right, remainder=rem.remainder, sign=self.sign, ) if significant >= 0: remainder = type(self)( (), self.right[significant:], remainder=self.remainder ) return type(self)( self.left, self.right[:significant], remainder=remainder.decimal, sign=self.sign, ) raise NotImplementedError
def __trunc__(self): return int(float(self.truncate(0)))
[docs] def truncate(self, significant: Optional[int] = None) -> "BasedReal": """ Truncate this BasedReal object to the specified precision >>> n = Sexagesimal('02, 02; 07, 23, 55, 11, 51, 21, 36') >>> n 02,02 ; 07,23,55,11,51,21,36 >>> n = n.truncate(3); n 02,02 ; 07,23,55 >>> n = n.resize(7); n 02,02 ; 07,23,55,00,00,00,00 :param n: Desired significant positions :return: Truncated BasedReal """ if significant is None: significant = self.significant if significant > self.significant: return self left = self.left if significant >= 0 else self.left[:-significant] right = self.right[:significant] if significant >= 0 else () return type(self)(left, right, sign=self.sign)
[docs] def floor(self, significant: Optional[int] = None) -> "BasedReal": resized = self.resize(significant) if significant else self if resized.remainder == 0 or self.sign == 1: return resized.truncate() return resized._set_remainder(Decimal(0.5)).__round__()
[docs] def ceil(self, significant: Optional[int] = None) -> "BasedReal": resized = self.resize(significant) if significant else self if resized.remainder == 0 or self.sign == -1: return resized.truncate() return resized._set_remainder(Decimal(0.5)).__round__()
[docs] def minimize_precision(self) -> "BasedReal": """ Removes unnecessary zeros from fractional part of this BasedReal. :return: Minimized BasedReal """ if self.remainder > 0 or self.significant == 0 or self.right[-1] > 0: return self count = 0 for x in self.right[::-1]: if x != 0: break count += 1 return self.truncate(self.significant - count)
def __lshift__(self, other: int) -> "BasedReal": """self << other :param other: Amount to shift this BasedReal :type other: int :return: Shifted number :rtype: BasedReal """ return self.shift(-other) def __rshift__(self, other: int) -> "BasedReal": """self >> other :param other: Amount to shift this BasedReal :type other: int :return: Shifted number :rtype: BasedReal """ return self.shift(other)
[docs] def shift(self, i: int) -> "BasedReal": """ Shifts number to the left (-) or the right (+). Prefer using >> and << operators (right-shift and left-shift). >>> Sexagesimal(3).shift(-1) 03,00 ; >>> Sexagesimal(3).shift(2) 00 ; 00,03 :param i: Amount to shift this BasedReal :return: Shifted number :rtype: BasedReal """ if i == 0: return self if self.base.mixed: raise NotImplementedError offset = len(self.left) if i > 0 else len(self.left) - i br_rem = self.from_decimal(self.remainder, max(0, offset - len(self[:]))) left_right = (0,) * i + self[:] + br_rem.right left = left_right[:offset] right = left_right[offset : -i if -i > offset else None] return type(self)(left, right, remainder=br_rem.remainder, sign=self.sign)
[docs] @lru_cache def subunit_quantity(self, i: int) -> int: """Convert this sexagesimal to the integer value from the specified fractional point. >>> number = Sexagesimal("1,0;2,30") Amount of minutes in `number` >>> number.subunit_quantity(1) 3602 Amount of zodiacal signs in `number` >>> number.subunit_quantity(-1) 1 :param i: Rank of the subunit to compute from. :type i: int :return: Integer amount of the specified subunit. :rtype: int """ res = 0 factor = 1 for idx, v in enumerate(self.resize(max(0, i + 1))[i::-1]): res += v * factor factor *= self.base[i - idx] return self.sign * res
def __round__(self, significant: Optional[int] = None): """ Round this BasedReal object to the specified precision. If no precision is specified, the rounding is performed with respect to the remainder attribute. >>> n = Sexagesimal('02, 02; 07, 23, 55, 11, 51, 21, 36') >>> n 02,02 ; 07,23,55,11,51,21,36 >>> round(n, 4) 02,02 ; 07,23,55,12 :param significant: Number of desired significant positions :return: self """ if significant is None: significant = self.significant n = self.resize(significant) if n.remainder >= 0.5: with set_precision( pmode=PrecisionMode.MAX, tmode=TruncatureMode.NONE, recording=False ): values = [0] * significant + [1] n += type(self)(values[:1], values[1:], sign=self.sign) return n.truncate(significant) def __getitem__(self, key): """ Allow to get a specific position value of this BasedReal object by specifying an index. The position 0 corresponds to the right-most integer position. Negative positions correspond to the other integer positions, positive positions correspond to the fractional positions. :param key: desired index :return: value at the specified position """ if isinstance(key, slice): array = self.left + self.right start = key.start + len(self.left) - 1 if key.start is not None else None stop = key.stop + len(self.left) - 1 if key.stop is not None else None return array[start : stop : key.step] if isinstance(key, int): if -len(self.left) < key <= 0: return self.left[key - 1] if self.significant >= key > 0: return self.right[key - 1] raise IndexError raise TypeError
[docs] @classmethod def from_float( cls, floa: float, significant: int, remainder_threshold: float = 0.999999 ) -> "BasedReal": """ Class method to produce a new BasedReal object from a floating number >>> Sexagesimal.from_float(1/3, 4) 00 ; 20,00,00,00 :param floa: floating value of the number :param significant: precision of the number :return: a new BasedReal object """ if not isinstance(floa, (int, float)): raise TypeError(f"Argument {floa} is not a float") integer_part = cls.from_int(int(floa), significant=significant) value = abs(floa - int(integer_part)) right = [0] * significant factor = 1.0 if value != 0: for i in range(significant): factor = cls.base.right[i] value *= factor if value - int(value) > remainder_threshold and value + 1 < factor: value = int(value) + 1 elif value - int(value) < 1 - remainder_threshold and any( x != 0 for x in right ): value = int(value) position_value = int(value) value -= position_value right[i] = position_value return cls( integer_part.left, tuple(right), remainder=Decimal(value), sign=-1 if floa < 0 else 1, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_decimal(cls, dec: Decimal, significant: int) -> "BasedReal": """ Class method to produce a new BasedReal object from a Decimal number >>> Sexagesimal.from_decimal(Decimal('0.1'), 4) 00 ; 06,00,00,00 :param dec: floating value of the number :param significant: precision of the number :return: a new BasedReal object """ if not isinstance(dec, Decimal): raise TypeError(f"Argument {dec} is not a Decimal") integer_part = cls.from_int(int(dec), significant=significant) value = abs(dec - int(integer_part)) right = [0] * significant factor = Decimal(1) for i in range(significant): factor = cls.base.right[i] value *= factor position_value = int(value) value -= position_value right[i] = position_value return cls( integer_part.left, tuple(right), remainder=value, sign=-1 if dec < 0 else 1 )
[docs] @classmethod def zero(cls, significant=0) -> "BasedReal": """ Class method to produce a zero number of the specified precision >>> 00 ; 00,00,00,00,00,00,00 :param significant: desired precision :return: a zero number """ return cls((0,), (0,) * significant)
[docs] @classmethod def one(cls, significant=0) -> "BasedReal": """ Class method to produce a unit number of the specified precision >>> 01 ; 00,00,00,00,00 :param significant: desired precision :return: a unit number """ return cls((1,), (0,) * significant)
@classmethod @overload def range(cls, stop: int) -> Generator["BasedReal", None, None]: ... @classmethod @overload def range(cls, start: int, stop: int, step=1) -> Generator["BasedReal", None, None]: ...
[docs] @classmethod def range(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> Generator["BasedReal", None, None]: """ Range generator, equivalent to `range` builtin but yields `BasedReal` numbers. :yield: `BasedReal` integers. """ for i in range(*args, **kwargs): yield cls.from_int(i)
[docs] @classmethod def from_int(cls, value: int, significant=0) -> "BasedReal": """ Class method to produce a new BasedReal object from an integer number >>> Sexagesimal.from_int(12, 4) 12 ; 00,00,00,00 :param value: integer value of the number :param significant: precision of the number :return: a new BasedReal object """ if not np.issubdtype(type(value), np.integer): raise TypeError(f"Argument {value} is not an int") base = cls.base sign = -1 if value < 0 else 1 value *= sign pos = 0 int_factor = 1 while value >= int_factor: int_factor *= base.left[-1 - pos] pos += 1 left = [0] * pos for i in range(pos): int_factor //= base.left[-pos + i] position_value = value // int_factor value -= position_value * int_factor left[i] = position_value return cls(left, (0,) * significant, sign=sign)
def __float__(self) -> float: """ Compute the float value of this BasedReal object >>> float(Sexagesimal('01;20,00')) 1.3333333333333333 >>> float(Sexagesimal('14;30,00')) 14.5 :return: float representation of this BasedReal object """ value = float(abs(int(self))) factor = 1.0 for i in range(self.significant): factor /= self.base.right[i] value += factor * self.right[i] value += factor * float(self.remainder) return float(value * self.sign) def __int__(self) -> int: """ Compute the int value of this BasedReal object """ value = 0 factor = 1 for i in range(len(self.left)): value += factor * self.left[-i - 1] factor *= self.base.left[-i - 1] return value * self.sign def _truediv(self, _other: PreciseNumber) -> "BasedReal": other = cast(BasedReal, _other) if self.base.mixed: return self.from_float(float(self) / float(other), self.significant) max_significant = max(self.significant, other.significant) if self == 0: return elif other == 1: return self elif other == -1: return -self elif other == 0: raise ZeroDivisionError sign = self.sign * other.sign q_res = right = list(q_res.right) numerator = abs(self) denominator = abs(other) q, r = divmod(numerator, denominator) q_res += q for i in range(0, max_significant): numerator = r * self.base.right[i] q, r = divmod(numerator, denominator) if q == self.base.right[i]: # pragma: no cover q_res += 1 r = break right[i] = int(q) return type(self)( q_res.left, right, remainder=r.decimal / denominator.decimal, sign=sign ) def _add(self, _other: PreciseNumber) -> "BasedReal": other = cast(BasedReal, _other) if self.decimal == -other.decimal: return maxright = max(self.significant, other.significant) maxleft = max(len(self.left), len(other.left)) va = self.resize(maxright) vb = other.resize(maxright) sign = va.sign if abs(va) > abs(vb) else vb.sign if sign < 0: va = -va vb = -vb maxlen = max(len(va[:]), len(vb[:])) values = ( [v.sign * x for x in v[::-1]] + [0] * (maxlen - len(v[:])) for v in (va, vb) ) numbers: List[int] = [a + b for a, b in zip(*values)] + [0] remainder = va.remainder * va.sign + vb.remainder * vb.sign fn = remainder if remainder >= 0 else remainder - 1 remainder -= int(fn) numbers[0] += int(fn) for i, r in enumerate(numbers): factor = self.base[maxright - i] if r < 0 or r >= factor: numbers[i] = r % factor numbers[i + 1] += 1 if r > 0 else -1 numbers = [abs(x) for x in numbers[::-1]] left = numbers[: maxleft + 1] right = numbers[maxleft + 1 :] return type(self)(left, right, remainder=abs(remainder), sign=sign) def __add__(self, other) -> "BasedReal": """ self + other >>> Sexagesimal('01, 21; 47, 25') + Sexagesimal('45; 32, 14, 22') 02,07 ; 19,39,22 """ if not np.isreal(other): raise NotImplementedError if type(self) is not type(other): return self + self.from_float(float(other), significant=self.significant) return super().__add__(other) def __radd__(self, other) -> "BasedReal": """other + self""" return self + other def _sub(self, _other: PreciseNumber) -> "BasedReal": other = cast(BasedReal, _other) return self + -other def __rtruediv__(self, other): """other / self""" return other / float(self) def __pow__(self, exponent): """self**exponent Negative numbers cannot be raised to a non-integer power """ res = if exponent == 0: return res if self == 0: return self if self < 0 and int(exponent) != exponent: raise ValueError( "Negative BasedReal cannot be raised to a non-integer power" ) int_exp = int(exponent) f_exp = float(exponent - int_exp) if int_exp > 0: for _ in range(0, int_exp): res *= self else: for _ in range(0, -int_exp): res /= self res *= float(self) ** f_exp return res def __rpow__(self, base): """base ** self""" return self.from_float(float(base), self.significant) ** self def __neg__(self) -> "BasedReal": """-self""" return type(self)( self.left, self.right, remainder=self.remainder, sign=-self.sign ) def __pos__(self) -> "BasedReal": """+self""" return self def __abs__(self) -> "BasedReal": """ abs(self) >>> abs(Sexagesimal('-12; 14, 15')) 12 ; 14,15 :return: the absolute value of self """ if self.sign >= 0: return self return -self def _mul(self, _other: PreciseNumber) -> "BasedReal": other = cast(BasedReal, _other) if self in (1, -1): return other if self == 1 else -other if other in (1, -1): return self if other == 1 else -self if self == 0 or other == 0: return if self.base.mixed: return self.from_float(float(self) * float(other), self.significant) max_right = max(self.significant, other.significant) va = self.resize(max_right) vb = other.resize(max_right) res_int = int(va << max_right) * int(vb << max_right) res = self.from_int(res_int) >> 2 * max_right factor = self.base.factor_at_pos(max_right) vb_rem = vb.sign * vb.remainder / factor va_rem = va.sign * va.remainder / factor rem = ( va.truncate().decimal * vb_rem + vb.truncate().decimal * va_rem + va_rem * vb_rem ) if rem: res += float(rem) return res @overload def __mul__(self, other: Union[float, "BasedReal"]) -> "BasedReal": # type: ignore ... @overload def __mul__(self, other: Unit) -> "BasedQuantity": ... def __mul__(self, other): """ self * other >>> Sexagesimal('01, 12; 04, 17') * Sexagesimal('7; 45, 55') 09,19 ; 39,15 |r0.7 """ if isinstance(other, UnitBase): return BasedQuantity(self, unit=other) if not np.isreal(other) or not isinstance(other, SupportsFloat): raise NotImplementedError if type(self) is not type(other): return self * self.from_float(float(other), self.significant) return super().__mul__(other) def __rmul__(self, other): """other * self""" return self * other def __divmod__(self, other: Any) -> Tuple["BasedReal", "BasedReal"]: """divmod(self, other)""" if type(self) is type(other): if self.base.mixed: res = divmod(float(self), float(other)) return ( self.from_float(res[0], self.significant), self.from_float(res[1], self.significant), ) max_sig = max(self.significant, other.significant) if self == 0: zero = return (zero, zero) max_significant = max(self.significant, other.significant) s_self = self.resize(max_significant) s_other = other.resize(max_significant) if s_self.remainder == s_other.remainder == 0: qself = s_self.subunit_quantity(max_significant) qother = s_other.subunit_quantity(max_significant) fdiv, mod = divmod(qself, qother) return ( self.from_int(fdiv, max_sig), self.from_int(mod) >> max_significant, ) fdiv = math.floor(self.decimal / other.decimal) if fdiv == self.decimal / other.decimal: mod = Decimal(0) else: mod = self.decimal % other.decimal + ( 0 if self.sign == other.sign else other.decimal ) return self.from_int(fdiv, max_sig), self.from_decimal(mod, max_sig) if np.isreal(other): return divmod(self, self.from_float(float(other), self.significant)) raise NotImplementedError def __floordiv__(self, other) -> "BasedReal": # type: ignore """self // other""" return divmod(self, other)[0] def __rfloordiv__(self, other): """other // self: The floor() of other/self.""" return other // float(self) def __mod__(self, other) -> "BasedReal": """self % other""" return divmod(self, other)[1] def __rmod__(self, other): """other % self""" return other % float(self) @overload def __truediv__(self, other: Number) -> "BasedReal": # type: ignore ... @overload def __truediv__(self, other: Unit) -> "BasedQuantity": ... def __truediv__(self, other) -> "BasedReal": """self / other""" if isinstance(other, UnitBase): return self * (other ** -1) if type(self) is type(other): return super().__truediv__(other) return self / self.from_float(float(other), significant=self.significant) def __gt__(self, other) -> bool: """self > other""" if not isinstance(other, Number): return other <= self if isinstance(other, BasedReal): return self.decimal > other.decimal other = cast(SupportsFloat, other) return float(self) > float(other) def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """self == other""" if not isinstance(other, SupportsFloat): return False if isinstance(other, BasedReal): return self.decimal == other.decimal return float(self) == float(other)
[docs] def equals(self, other: "BasedReal") -> bool: """Tests strict equivalence between this BasedReal and another >>> Sexagesimal("1,2;3").equals(Sexagesimal("1,2;3")) True >>> Sexagesimal("1,2;3").equals(Sexagesimal("1,2;3,0")) False :param other: The other BasedReal to be compared with the first :type other: BasedReal :return: True if both objects are the same, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ if type(self) is not type(other): return False return ( self.left == other.left and self.right == other.right and self.sign == other.sign and self.remainder == other.remainder )
def __ne__(self, other) -> bool: """self != other""" return not self == other def __ge__(self, other) -> bool: """self >= other""" return self > other or self == other def __lt__(self, other) -> bool: """self < other""" return not self >= other def __le__(self, other) -> bool: """self <= other""" return not self > other def __floor__(self): """Finds the greatest Integral <= self.""" return self.__trunc__() + (1 if self.sign < 0 else 0) def __ceil__(self): """Finds the least Integral >= self.""" return self.__trunc__() + (1 if self.sign > 0 else 0) def __hash__(self) -> int: if self.remainder == 0 and all([x == 0 for x in self.right]): return int(self) return hash((self.left, self.right, self.sign, self.remainder))
[docs] def sqrt(self, iteration: Optional[int] = None) -> "BasedReal": """Returns the square root, using Babylonian method :param iteration: Number of iterations, defaults to the significant number :type iteration: Optional[int], optional """ if self.sign < 0: raise ValueError("Square root domain error") if self == 0: return self if iteration is None: iteration = self._get_significant(self) if self >= 1: res = self.from_int(int(math.sqrt(float(self)))) else: res = self.from_float(math.sqrt(float(self)), self.significant) iteration = 0 for _ in range(iteration): res += self / res res /= 2 return res
def _set_remainder(self, remainder: Decimal) -> "BasedReal": return type(self)(self.left, self.right, sign=self.sign, remainder=remainder)
class BasedQuantity(Quantity): value: BasedReal def __new__(cls, value, unit, **kwargs): if ( not isinstance(value, BasedReal) or isinstance(value, (Sequence, np.ndarray)) and not all(isinstance(v, BasedReal) for v in value) ): return Quantity(value, unit, **kwargs) def _len(_): del type(value).__len__ return 0 type(value).__len__ = _len self = super().__new__(cls, value, unit=unit, dtype=object, **kwargs) return self def __mul__(self, other) -> "BasedQuantity": # pragma: no cover return super().__mul__(other) def __add__(self, other) -> "BasedQuantity": # pragma: no cover return super().__add__(other) def __sub__(self, other) -> "BasedQuantity": # pragma: no cover return super().__sub__(other) def __truediv__(self, other) -> "BasedQuantity": # pragma: no cover return super().__truediv__(other) def __lshift__(self, other) -> "BasedQuantity": if isinstance(other, Number): return super(Quantity, self).__lshift__(other) return super().__lshift__(other) def __rshift__(self, other) -> "BasedQuantity": if isinstance(other, Number): return super(Quantity, self).__rshift__(other) return super().__rshift__(other) def __getattr__(self, attr: str): if attr.startswith(("_", "__")) and not attr.endswith("__"): raise AttributeError vect = np.frompyfunc(lambda x: getattr(x, attr), 1, 1) properties = ("left", "right", "significant", "sign", "remainder", "base") unit = _d(self.unit) if attr not in properties else None UFUNC_HELPERS[vect] = lambda *_: ([None, None], unit) if callable(getattr(BasedReal, attr)): def _new_func(*args): vfunc = np.frompyfunc(lambda x: x(*args), 1, 1) UFUNC_HELPERS[vfunc] = lambda *_: ([None, None], unit) return vfunc(vect(self)) return _new_func return vect(self) def __round__(self, significant: Optional[int] = None) -> "BasedQuantity": return self.__getattr__("__round__")(significant) def __abs__(self) -> "BasedQuantity": # pragma: no cover return self.__getattr__("__abs__")() def __quantity_subclass__(self, _): return type(self), True # here we define standard bases and automatically generate the corresponding BasedReal classes RadixBase([60], [60], "sexagesimal") RadixBase([10, 12, 30], [60], "historical", ["", "r ", "s "]) RadixBase([10], [100], "historical_decimal") RadixBase([10], [60], "integer_and_sexagesimal") RadixBase([10], [24, 60], "temporal") # add new definitions here, corresponding BasedReal inherited classes will be automatically generated def _shift_helper(f, unit1, unit2): if unit2: # pragma: no cover raise UnitTypeError( "Can only apply '{}' function to " "dimensionless quantities".format(f.__name__) ) return [None, None], _d(unit1) UFUNC_HELPERS[np.left_shift] = _shift_helper UFUNC_HELPERS[np.right_shift] = _shift_helper class BasedRealException(Exception): pass class EmptyStringException(BasedRealException, ValueError): pass class TooManySeparators(BasedRealException, ValueError): pass class IllegalBaseValueError(BasedRealException, ValueError): """ Raised when a value is not in the range of the specified base. ```python if not 0 <= val < radix[i]: raise IllegalBaseValueError(radix, radix[i], val) ``` """ def __init__(self, radix, base, num): super().__init__() self.radix = radix self.base = base self.num = num def __str__(self): return f"An invalid value for ({}) was found \ ('{self.num}'); should be in the range [0,{self.base}[)." class IllegalFloatError(BasedRealException, TypeError): """ Raised when an expected int value is a float. ```python if isinstance(val, float): raise IllegalFloatError(val) ``` """ def __init__(self, num): super().__init__() self.num = num def __str__(self): return f"An illegal float value was found ('{self.num}')"