Source code for kanon.tables.symmetries

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Literal, Optional, Tuple

import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame

from kanon.utils import Sign
from kanon.utils.types.number_types import Real

__all__ = ["Symmetry", "OutOfBoundsOriginError", "OverlappingSymmetryError"]

[docs]@dataclass class Symmetry: """Defines a symmetry strategy that can be applied on a `~pandas.DataFrame` from a specified source interval to one or multiple target keys >>> df = DataFrame({"val": [5, 9, 2]} ,index=[0,1,3]) >>> sym = Symmetry("mirror") >>> df.pipe(sym) val 0 5 1 9 3 2 5 9 6 5 >>> sym = Symmetry("periodic", sign=-1, offset=2) >>> df.pipe(sym) val 0 5 1 9 3 2 4 -3 5 -7 7 0 >>> sym = Symmetry("periodic", sign=-1, source=(0,1), targets=[6,10]) >>> df.pipe(sym) val 0 5 1 9 3 2 6 -5 7 -9 10 -5 11 -9 :param symtype: Type of the symmetry, it can be of the same direction (`periodic`) \ or the oposite (`mirror`) :type symtype: Literal["periodic", "mirror"] :param offset: Offset to add to the symmetry values, defaults to 0 :type offset: int, optional :param sign: Relative signs of the symmetry values from source values, defaults to 1 :type sign: Sign, optional :param source: Tuple representing the lower and upper bound to take the values \ from, defaults to the whole DataFrame :type source: Tuple[Real, Real], optional :param targets: List of keys where the symmetry are pasted, defaults to the end of \ the DataFrame :type targets: List[int], optional """ symtype: Literal["periodic", "mirror"] offset: int = 0 sign: Sign = 1 source: Optional[Tuple[Real, Real]] = None targets: Optional[List[Real]] = None def __post_init__(self): if self.symtype not in ("periodic", "mirror"): raise ValueError if self.source: if self.source[0] >= self.source[1]: raise ValueError
[docs] def __call__(self, df: DataFrame): if len(df) == 0: return df if self.source: if not ( self.source[0] < df.index[-1] >= self.source[1] and self.source[0] >= df.index[0] < self.source[1] ): raise OutOfBoundsOriginError symdf = df.loc[self.source[0] : self.source[1]].copy() # type: ignore else: symdf = df.copy() def apply(x): return self.sign * x + self.offset if not self.targets: if self.symtype == "mirror": symdf.index = x: 2 * symdf.index[-1] - x) symdf = symdf[:-1][::-1] elif self.symtype == "periodic": symdf.index = lambda x: 1 + x + symdf.index[-1] - symdf.index[0] ) if self.sign == -1 or self.offset: symdf = symdf.applymap(apply) df = pd.concat([df, symdf]) else: for t in self.targets: tdf = symdf.copy() if self.symtype == "mirror": tdf.index = x: tdf.index[-1] - x + t) tdf = tdf[::-1] else: tdf.index = x: t + x - tdf.index[0]) if self.sign == -1 or self.offset: tdf = tdf.applymap(apply) if len(df.index.intersection(tdf.index)) > 0: raise OverlappingSymmetryError df = pd.concat([df, tdf]) return df.sort_index()
[docs]class OutOfBoundsOriginError(IndexError): """ Catches applying on a DataFrame a symmetry with source values outside the DataFrame bounds """
[docs]class OverlappingSymmetryError(ValueError): """ Catches applying on a DataFrame a symmetry with overlapping results """