Source code for kanon.tables.htable

from functools import partial
from typing import (Callable, Dict, Generic, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple,
                    TypeVar, Union, cast)

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import registry
from astropy.table import Row, Table
from astropy.table.operations import join
from astropy.table.pprint import TableFormatter
from astropy.table.table import TableAttribute
from astropy.units import Quantity
from astropy.units.core import Unit

from kanon.tables.hcolumn import HColumn, _patch_dtype_info_name
from kanon.utils.types.dishas import (DSymmetry, NumberType, TableContent,
from kanon.utils.types.number_types import Real

from .interpolations import (Interpolator, distributed_interpolation,
from .symmetries import Symmetry

__all__ = ["HTable"]

T = TypeVar("T")

class GenericTableAttribute(TableAttribute, Generic[T]):
    def __get__(self, instance, owner) -> T:
        return super().__get__(instance, owner)

class HTableFormatter(TableFormatter):

    _pformat_col = _patch_dtype_info_name(TableFormatter._pformat_col, 1)

[docs]class HTable(Table): """`HTable` is a subclass of `astropy.table.Table`, made to model Historical Astronomy tables representing mathematical functions. Its argument column or columns are its index, while the values should be on the first column. Columns are allowed to contain all kinds of `~numbers.Real`, especially `~kanon.units.radices.BasedReal` numbers. `HTable` also provides additional historical features and metadata. See also: >>> table = HTable({"args": [1,2,3], "values": [5.1,3.9,4.3]}, index="args") >>> table <HTable length=3> args values int64 float64 ----- ------- 1 5.1 2 3.9 3 4.3 >>> table.loc[2] <Row index=1> args values int64 float64 ----- ------- 2 3.9 >>> table.loc[2]["values"] 3.9 :param data: Data to initialize table. :type data: Optional[Data] :param names: Specify column names. :type names: Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]] :param index: Columns considered as the indices. :type index: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] :param units: List or dict of units to apply to columns. :type units: Optional[List[Unit]] :param dtype: Specify column data types. :type dtype: Optional[List] :param symmetry: Specify a list of `~kanon.tables.Symmetry` on this table. Defaults to empty list. :type symmetry: Optional[List[Symmetry]] :param interpolate: Specify a custom interpolation method,\ defaults to `~kanon.tables.interpolations.linear_interpolation`. :type interpolate: Optional[Interpolator] :param opposite: Defines if the table values should be of the opposite sign. Defaults to False. :type opposite: Optional[bool] """ Column = HColumn TableFormatter = HTableFormatter interpolate = GenericTableAttribute[Interpolator](default=linear_interpolation) """Interpolation method.""" symmetry: List[Symmetry] = TableAttribute(default=[]) """Table symmetries.""" opposite: bool = TableAttribute(default=False) """Defines if the table values should be of the opposite sign.""" def __init__(self, data=None, names: Optional[Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]] = None, index: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, dtype: Optional[List] = None, units: Optional[List[Unit]] = None, *args, **kwargs ): super().__init__(data=data, names=names, units=units, dtype=dtype, *args, **kwargs) if index: self.set_index(index) def _check_index(self, index=None): if not self.indices and not index: raise IndexError("HTable should have an index, defining the function's arguments") return self.primary_key[0]
[docs] def to_pandas(self, index=None, use_nullable_int=True, symmetry=True) -> pd.DataFrame: self._check_index(index) df = super().to_pandas(index=index, use_nullable_int=use_nullable_int) if symmetry: for sym in self.symmetry: df = df.pipe(sym) return df
[docs] def get(self, key: Real, with_unit=True) -> Union[Real, Quantity]: """Get the value from any key based on interpolated data. :param key: Argument for an interpolated function :type key: `~numbers.Real` :param with_unit: Whether the result is represented as a Quantity or not. \ Defaults to `True` :type with_unit: bool :raises IndexError: Key is out of bounds :return: Interpolated value :rtype: `~numbers.Real` """ df = self.to_pandas() unit = (self.columns[self.values_column].unit if with_unit else 1) or 1 if isinstance(key, int): key = float(key) return self.interpolate(df, key) * unit
def apply(self, column: str, func: Callable, new_name: Optional[str] = None) -> "HTable": """ Applies a function on a column and returns the new `HTable` :param column: Name of the column to be modified :param func: Function applied to the column :param new_name: New name for the modified column, optional :return: HTable with modified column :rtype: HTable """ table = self.copy() try: table[column] = func(table[column]) except (TypeError, AttributeError, ValueError): table[column] = np.vectorize(func)(table[column]) if new_name: table.rename_columns([column], [new_name]) return table def set_index(self, index: Union[str, List[str]], engine=None): for c in self.colnames: self.remove_indices(c) self.add_index(index, unique=True, engine=engine) @property def values_column(self) -> str: """ Column representing the values """ self._check_index() set_val = set(self.colnames) - set(self.primary_key) assert len(set_val) == 1, f"Values should be in 1 column, not {len(set_val)}" return list(set_val)[0]
[docs] def copy(self, set_index=None, copy_data=True) -> "HTable": table: HTable = super().copy(copy_data=copy_data) if set_index: table.set_index(set_index) return table
def populate(self, array: list, method: Literal["mask", "interpolate"] = "mask") -> "HTable": """ Populate a table with values from new keys contained in `array`. """ key = self._check_index() right = {key: array} if method == "interpolate": right[self.values_column] = [self.get(x) for x in array] table: HTable = join(self, HTable(right), join_type='outer') table.set_index(key) return table def fill(self, method: Union[ Literal["distributed_convex", "distributed_concave"], Callable[[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame]], bounds: Optional[Tuple[Real, Real]] = None) -> "HTable": """Fill masked values within `bounds` with the specified `method`. To fill with a unique value, see `~HTable.filled`. :param method: Method to use for filling masked values :type method: Literal["distributed_convex", "distributed_concave"] :param bounds: Tuple of arguments bounds, defaults to the whole table :type bounds: Optional[Tuple[Real, Real]], optional """ slice_bounds = slice(*(bounds or (None, None))) filltab: HTable = self.loc[slice_bounds] if isinstance(filltab, Row): return self.copy() valcol = filltab[filltab.values_column] if valcol[0] is or valcol[-1] is raise ValueError("First and last rows must not be masked") if not in valcol: return self.copy() fill_method: Callable[[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame] if method == "distributed_concave": fill_method = partial(distributed_interpolation, direction="concave") elif method == "distributed_convex": fill_method = partial(distributed_interpolation, direction="convex") elif callable(method): fill_method = method else: raise ValueError("Incorrect fill method") df = filltab.to_pandas().pipe(fill_method) tab_copy = self.copy() tab_copy.loc[slice_bounds] = HTable.from_pandas(df, index=True) if not[tab_copy.values_column]): tab_copy[tab_copy.values_column] = HColumn(tab_copy[filltab.values_column]) return tab_copy def diff(self, n=1, prepend: List = [], append: List = [], new_name: Optional[str] = None) -> "HTable": """Applies `np.diff` on this table's column values to calculate the n-th difference. By default, it will prepend the first value. :return: HTable with n-th difference values. :rtype: HTable """ cat = prepend + append if len(cat) > n or n > len(cat) > 0: raise ValueError(f"You must prepend or append exactly n ({n}) values or 0 values") if len(cat) == 0: prepend = [self[0][self.values_column]] * n kwargs = {} if prepend: kwargs["prepend"] = prepend if append: kwargs["append"] = append diff = partial(np.diff, n=n, **kwargs) return self.apply(self.values_column, diff, new_name) def plot2d(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot this `HTable` with the argument column as X and values column as Y. Uses the same arguments as `matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. """ assert len(self.primary_key) == 1, "plot2d is only valid with single argument tables" from matplotlib import pyplot as plt x: HColumn = self[self.primary_key[0]] y: HColumn = self[self.values_column] plt.xlabel(f"{} ({x.unit})" if x.unit else plt.ylabel(f"{} ({y.unit})" if y.unit else return plt.plot(x, y, *args, **kwargs)
def join_multiple(*tables, keys=None, join_type='inner', uniq_col_name='{col_name}_{table_name}', table_names=['1', '2'], metadata_conflicts='silent', join_funcs=None) -> Table: """ `astropy.table.join` but with more than one table, iteratively from left to right. """ _join = partial(join, keys=keys, join_type=join_type, uniq_col_name=uniq_col_name, table_names=table_names, metadata_conflicts=metadata_conflicts, join_funcs=join_funcs) new_table = _join(*tables[:2]) for t in tables[2:]: new_table = _join(new_table, t) return new_table _dishas_fields = '","'.join([ "value_original", "argument1_name", "argument1_number_unit", "argument1_significant_fractional_place", "argument1_type_of_number", "entry_significant_fractional_place", "entry_number_unit", "entry_type_of_number", "symmetries", "edited_text" ]) DISHAS_REQUEST_URL = f'\ ?index=table_content&hits=true&id={{}}&source=["{_dishas_fields}"]' def read_table_dishas(requested_id: str) -> HTable: import astropy.units as u import requests from kanon.units import BasedReal, Sexagesimal res: TableContent = requests.get( DISHAS_REQUEST_URL.format(int(requested_id)), ).json() if not res: raise FileNotFoundError( f'{requested_id} ID not found in DISHAS database') values = res["value_original"] def read_sexag_array(array: List[str], shift: int) -> BasedReal: sign = -1 if array[0][0] == "-" else 1 return Sexagesimal(*(abs(int(v)) for v in array), sign=sign) >> shift def read_intsexag_array(array: List[str], _: int) -> BasedReal: integer = int(array[0]) if len(array) == 1: return Sexagesimal.from_int(integer) return integer + (read_sexag_array(array[1:], 0) >> len(array) - 1) number_reader: Dict[NumberType, Callable[[List[str], int], Real]] = { "sexagesimal": read_sexag_array, "floating sexagesimal": read_sexag_array, "integer and sexagesimal": read_intsexag_array } unit_reader: Dict[UnitType, Unit] = { "degree":, "day": } arg_unit = res["argument1_number_unit"] arg_shift = int(res["argument1_significant_fractional_place"]) arg_reader = number_reader.get(res["argument1_type_of_number"], lambda x, _: x) entry_unit = res["entry_number_unit"] entry_shift = int(res["entry_significant_fractional_place"]) entry_reader = number_reader.get(res["entry_type_of_number"], lambda x, _: x) args = [arg_reader(v["value"], arg_shift) for v in values["args"]["argument1"]] entries = [entry_reader(v["value"], entry_shift) for v in values["entry"]] symmetry_raw = res["symmetries"] def build_sym(data: DSymmetry) -> Symmetry: symmetry = Symmetry(data["symtype"], data["offset"], sign=data["sign"]) if source_data := data["source"]: source = tuple(arg_reader(v, arg_shift) for v in source_data) assert len(source) == 2 symmetry.source = cast(Tuple[Real, Real], source) if target_data := data["target"]: symmetry.targets = [arg_reader(v, arg_shift) for v in target_data] return symmetry symmetries = [build_sym(sym) for sym in symmetry_raw] table = HTable( [args, entries], names=(res["argument1_name"], "Entries"), index=(res["argument1_name"]), units=[unit_reader.get(arg_unit), unit_reader.get(entry_unit)], dtype=[object, object], symmetry=symmetries, meta=res["edited_text"] ) return table registry.register_reader("dishas", HTable, read_table_dishas)